Welcome to our BLOGGER page. We (Ryan, Amanda, Astro & Little One) currently reside in Houston TX. Ryan is a 3L (in English 3L means 3rd year law student) at the University of Houston. I am currently a 5 month pregnant homemaker. Astro is our amazingly obedient dog and Little One is our unborn baby which we have recently named Erin. This is not the official name of the baby it's more of a name of convenience. The reason that we named the pre-born baby Erin is b/c we don't know the gender as of yet. It's a universal name that really helps me because I would tend to speak of the baby as him or her when I would talk about him or her. You see I just did it again, hahaha! Erin just makes life less complicated :)
I'm (Amanda)new to this Blog Page Making thing and I have spent oodles of time trying to figure out how to post things. I'm excited to say that I think I'm finally getting the jist of it all. So, that being said, please keep checking our Blog page for updates as to how we are doing and especially to see how far my Blog Page Making Skills are progressing :)