Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hospital Poses

This "Wall of Honor" showcases the many awards that the NICU-III (newborn intensive care unit) has achieved.

Keedan had many nurses, here are just two of his favorites - Irene & Kat .

Keedan gave this nurse (Vanecia) a hard time. I'm sure he gave her a hard time b/c it was the only night that we weren't able to stay at the hospital, so of course he was cranky!

This is Keedan all bundled up and cozy in his hospital bed.

Does anyone else see the resemblence besides me?

It's funny I've seen Keedan make this same face.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Counting Our Many Blessings

We are very excited to anounce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Keedan Jacob. He was born at 11:20 p.m. on March 1st 2008.
Almost 24 hours after we brought Keedan home we found ourselves rushing to the ER of Texas Children's Hospital.

Keedan was admitted to the Newborn ICU where oodles of absolutely wonderful doctors & nurses cared for him for 10 days. Apparently Keedan had some type of infection. We may never know from what the infection stemmed but we do know that Keedan is much healthier & stronger now.

During this very difficult experience we have been greatly blessed.

1. We are so very grateful to our Heavenly Father for carrying us along during our darkest hours. The Lord truly does hear and answer prayers and comforts those that stand in need of comfort.

2. We are so very grateful to all of our friends & family who have fasted, prayed,brought us yummy food & much needed hygiene products!

3. We were able to stay at the hospital 24/7 for 9 out of 10 days. We stayed at the Ronald McDonald house on the 4th floor of the hospital. It is such a warm and inviting place for families to stay and try to it's stocked with food & freshly backed tollhouse cookies every night.

4. Keedan had a private room (this was nice b/c it cut out the noise factor and allowed for more privacy) Most of the babies are just out in the open and it can get pretty noisy.

We are home now and adjusting to the newborn lifestyle, which is quite exhausting, demanding and wonderful! Stay tuned for more pictures.......