Saturday, February 21, 2009

Google Your Name + Needs and list the top 10 that make sense or that are not profane.

1. Amanda needs you to map yourself.
2. Amanda needs to pee.
3. Amanda needs some direction.
4. Amanda needs to get help busting skulls, not new friends.
5. Amanda needs to read Barbara Bush' speech to Wellesley Graduates.
6. Amanda needs love.
7. Amanda needs to get over it.
8. Amanda needs help!
9. Amanda needs a bone.
10. Amanda needs a better storyline.

1. Ryan needs a bra.
2. Ryan needs special care.
3. Ryan needs a little Fabulous.
4. Ryan needs answers.
5. Ryan needs to be fired.
6. Ryan needs to Recognize.
7. Ryan needs to budget like the rest of us.
8. Ryan needs a cellmate.
9. Ryan needs to shave quick.
10. Ryan needs your vote.

I have to say that I enjoyed googling Ryan's name more than my own.


Elder and Sister Dunn said...

Ryan needs a bra and a there something I should know? That's pretty funny.

The Poll Family said...

This is funny! Ryan DOES need to recognize! LOL! ;)

Mrs. Ordinary said...


G-mom said...

that is a funny thing.. we'll have to try that

Marietta said...

Haha that is so funny. So i tried my name and the best one was Marietta needs a boyfriend...hmm I wonder if that one was actually written for me!