Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lesson Learned

So, I've managed to learn a very important lesson today that I would like to share with all.

Lesson Learned:
"It is important ...if not crucial, to change a poopy diaper immediately!"

Why do you ask?
"Seems like common sense, I know. Unfortuneately, I thought I had a better plan."

The Plan:
"I will start Keedan's bath water, change his diaper, then just stick him in tha tub. (Just in case he has another episode, I don't waste a diaper)"

"Actions are out of order."

Bigger Problem:
"I waited for bath water to be done - went to fetch the wipes and BAM, I inserted my foot into a puddle of poop that had spilled out of Keedan's apparently overflowing diaper."


Tip To Husbands:
"Matters are worsened when you begin to laugh and joke @ this moment."

Something To Ponder (Husbands):
"What if your wife had called "Not It" first and roles were would you have handled the situation?
Another thing...How much help would you expect?"

"I stood still whilst my husband fetched the wipes, and then handed me one so that I could unstatue myself and get a poopy child into tha bath."

Preferred Solution/Dreamt Solution:

"Husband fetches wipes, cleans wife's poopy foot along with the poopy puddle and places child in tha tub."

Next Time:
"Gonna call out "NOT IT" a whole lot faster!!!"

1 comment:

The Poll Family said...

Ohhh Amanda, that is just funny! Us wives need to definitely use the "not it" rule much more often and have it ACTUALLY mean that we are "not it"!! Thanks for sharing! ;)