I cannot get Keedan to sit on the potty at all. He vehemahently protests against it.
My front door knob fell off b/c the screw came loose and I can't find the screw. URGGGGGGGGG
Printer won't work.
Water Works came out and said the leak we have is a pretty hefty one.
I can't get my pool pump to keep working.
I'm dealing with more un-communicative contractors that I have to deal with other people to find out their whereabouts instead of talking directly with them.
I have a flat tire.
Yes, I'm complaining but it feels so much better to let it out than to keep it in!
Only less than a month to go and I will be a bit releived!
Here's my two cents, and that's about all it is worth, two cents:
Don't stress about potty-training, especially with boys. Forcing their hand will just make it worse. Ethan was 3 years and 3 months before he was fully potty-trained. I let him go at his own pace. Pull-ups are expensive, but worth it for your sanity, especially now when Ryan isn't around to help with it.
We have tons of screws if you want to see if we have one that will fit the front door.
That stinks about the water leak..have nothing for you there. Sounds expensive and like one more thing you don't need right now.
You can borrow my printer anytime!
Hire someone to fix the pool pump, then hire someone to take care of the pool for you. That is NOT something you should be doing when Ryan is gone and you're looking after two small kids and finsihing up a house remodel by yourself right now.
Fire all the contractors! Probably wouldn't get you ahead of the game, but it may make you feel better..unless of course you paid them up front for work they still haven't completed...
Do you want David to come change your flat tonight after he gets home from work? Just let me know and I'll send him over after dinner!
Hope you made it to Zumba??
Hang in there, girl!
I agree with Jeni-Don't worry about potty-training. It's not worth it. Sevy was over 3. I would LOVE for Teik to wear underwear, but it's not happening anytime soon. The kid decides when they are ready. Also, Fire the contractors. I watch too much DIY and according to Holmes, great contractors should not be such jerks. Keep your chin up! Buy a cheap $20 printer! We found one on clearance and I love it more than our old one that broke! I would change your tire for you if I were there! Chin up! You are amazing!
Thanks Ladies!
Jeni, Bro. watson & Bro. jenson changed my tire for me.
I have to call the door knob manufacturer for a replacement screw for my door handle...it's a T-tiny screw that holds the lever in.
Kat - I would love to go out and buy a new printer but ours is new
I went through Lowes to get my fence fixed and they are the liason with the contractor. I don't reccommend using Lowes to get things installed b/c the contractors they use are unreliable (at least they are here in clovis).
I just really had to vent. I had more stuff on here but I erased it b/c I had written it in an emotional phase of my day. I feel much better and ready to start another active filled day tomorrow.
When it rains it pours right?? You should come hang out with me!!
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