Incident 1 - Mom vs. Brownie Batter Bandit
I made some brownie batter last week, covered it, walked away from the kitchen for a bit and somebody was able to infultrate the batter.
He rolled over and began to laugh....but the proof was on his face and a small bit on his belly....Bahahahhaha.
Incident 2 - Mom vs. Bubble Happy Boy
So, Keedan got ahold of the dish soap and filled the dishwasher with it. I've gotta give him credit b/c he put it in the right place and then some. Well, I was able to clean most of it out (so I thought) and proceeded to turn it on and I left for the store.
I came home to find bubbles covering most of the floor in my kitchen. I was shocked and Keedan was elated.
(I grabbed my camera too late but here is a little remnant of the mess before it was "keaned up")
I got out the sponge mop and began mopping up the floor when Keedan took interest and wanted to help. I handed him the mop and he started saying: "Kean up, Kean up!"
He is too cute!
Oh THAT is what having a boy is all about--messes, messes and more messes! :) Just wait until he starts collecting spiders and bringing them home to you in various jars and bottles. :)
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